Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Official Page Kick Off (and a special announcement!)

This blog has been around for a few months as I've been getting focused on my real mission behind my writing.

Today, though, I'm so excited to announce that we're officially kicking off! For anyone who's been around up until now, THANK YOU! (Yes, you may say, "I followed her way back when...") And for any newcomers, welcome! You're jumping in at such an exciting time.

First, I'd like to give a little overview of my goal here. I am a trooper wife and I know firsthand the unique struggles and rewards that the law enforcement life brings. My passion is to connect with other law enforcement spouses (although this information can easily relate to anyone!) and share ways to encourage our heroes.

Every day, these men and women are battling evil right here at home. It's no wonder the stress of the job often finds its way home. There's not much I can do to change the nature of my husband's shift, but I can change the nature of our home environment.

My goal is to make our home a haven; a place he can feel safe and relaxed. Each person's idea of a haven will look different, but I'm here to provide ideas to do the same for others in our blue family. By providing recipes (everyone finds comfort in food!), housekeeping tips (a clean, organized home invites relaxation), marriage talk (we could all use pointers there!) and financial advice (have you seen what law enforcement officers bring home?), we can work together to show our heroes our respect and love. The world seems to be getting more hateful by the minute...home needs to be getting more enjoyable at the same pace!

So stay tuned for lots of fun, tips, deals and giveaways! I can also be found and followed on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest so you don't have to miss anything!

As we start this new journey in a brand new month heading into beautiful autumn, we're going to start with a fabulous book deal and freebies! Come back tomorrow for the scoop!

Thank you for joining me on this adventure! ❤


  1. I absolutely LOVE this! Although my husband is not in law enforcement, I can totally relate to what you said about having no control over the shift or danger of his job, but you can control the "haven" you make. My husband works crazy hours and oftentimes I forget that I need to be focusing on making this a haven for him when he is home. :)
    Megan from www.frugalfindsduringnaptime.com

    1. Thank you, Megan! It's true that focusing on making home a haven translates to any line of work! Hope you can find some inspiration here! =)
